SAMHSA has released its 2024 National Recovery Month Toolkit for professionals and advocates to…
OVC anticipates awarding 25 grantees up to $200,000 over the course of 24-months to expand…
During this ceremony, OVC will recognize individuals and organizations that demonstrate…
Join OVC for the 2024 NCVRW Candlelight Vigil as we pay tribute to victims of crime and the many…
SAMHSA-funded initiative to provide resources and enhance access to overdose reversal medications/…
Hear from Randolph Health Medical Group’s Jennifer Foreman, joined by her son…
Experts share best practices for treating opioid use disorder (OUD) in general…
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has recently announced new FY2024 grant funding opportunities to…
Rural communities in the United States face unique challenges related to the opioid epidemic.
Supplementary guidance to the 2020 CDC recommendations for HCV screening