JBS International, Inc. (JBS)
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
Every day, JBS International, Inc. (JBS) consults with funders and projects towards combatting substance use and its national, state, and local impact. On the ground in all 50 states, JBS is effecting change through unparalleled knowledge, experience, and determination to develop real-world and customized solutions. Since 2018, JBS has partnered with the Office for Victims of Crime to lead their Enhancing Community Responses to the Opioid/Addiction Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims grant program. This multi-year initiative addresses the urgent gap in identifying and serving children and youth who, because of the opioid crisis and broader substance use, have experienced significant trauma and victimization. Currently, we are working with the OVC to expand efforts and launch the Protecting Futures: Building Capacity to Serve Children and Youth Impacted by America’s Drug Crisis initiative. This project furthers OVC’s work in identifying and ensuring access to services for children and youth, prioritizing the engagement of underserved and under-resourced communities, and addressing inequities.
Partnerships are essential to our collective work serving our country's children, youth, families, and caregivers impacted by substance use. In cultivating cross-sector partnerships, villages of caring people and systems emerge, and real impact is realized. Modeling the partnership promoted within and throughout communities across the country, the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) partnered in 2019 to establish a National Stakeholder Partnership (NSP) comprised of representatives from nationally recognized organizations with specialized expertise in crime victim services. JBS and the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) joined to co-lead the partnership and work with NSP members to realize the production of OVC and BJA-directed activities. This work focused on children and youth, advancing multidisciplinary collaborations, research, training, and education.
Many partners and supporters have joined our village in advancing this work and continue contributing positively to the efforts underway. Working together, we can rethink the village to realize progress through innovation. We hope you will join us too!